A review by rebeccafromflorida
Women Float by Maureen Foley


I received this book from CCLaP Publishing in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I really enjoy supporting small press, and Lori at CCLaP Publishing has great taste and doesn’t steer me wrong. So even though I’m flooded with books, I said yes to this request, and I’m glad I did.

Women Float by Maureen Foley is a novella about Win, a woman who is struggling with a few things in her life. The motif of the book is water, and Win herself is unable to swim. But this inability to swim produces insecurities that carry on to other parts of her life.

Her mother left her when she was 9 years old. She is unable to express herself honestly to her neighbor, who she feels very close to. Will win be able to overcome these fears and issues in her life or will they threaten to drown her?

For the full review, visit Love at First Book