A review by shellysbookcorner
Into the Light by Aleatha Romig


5 Suspenseful Stars!!

Reading this book was the best decision I made hands down!!
We have Sara who wakes up in an hospital with no memory of her prior life or her husband Jacob. Right off the bat I knew something was off about the whole thing. This whole marriage didn't seem right. The more I read the more this screamed CULT!!!! Sara, you're in danger
girl!! Jacob also seemed like he had something to hide and you have to read the book to find out what I'm talking about. My jaw literally dropped with that bombshell!! We have also have Stella who is investigating the disappearance of her best friend, Mindy. My theory on this whole disappearance was wrong and that was another twist I didn't coming! Stella is also dating a detective named Dylan. Keep that in the back of your mind for later! There were so many twist and turns and shocking revelations in this book. The best part about this book is the minute I thought I had something figured out Romig would throw in a curveball. I love when a book keeps you on your toes and you don't know what expect. This book had my mind all over the place. I had all these different theories and questions and feelings. What I loved about the book was the writing. I've never read anything by Romig before and man can she write a book!! This story just sucked me in and kept me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't read fast enough and now I'm upset it's over. Will Sara get her full memory back? Will Jacob come clean? What will happen with Father Gabriel?? Will we ever find out what happened to Mindy? I have a whole other theory about her and waiting to see if I'm correct. Will Dylan be outed? I don't know how I can wait for the next book! Thank You Romig for renewing my love in this genre again! Well done!

*arc was given by Netgalley in exchange for honest review*