A review by bookchainedsoul
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater


I really enjoyed the third book in this series. A had a fair few complaints after book two but I’m so glad to say they don’t stick in this one!

I found Adam’s character distinctly more likeable. I feel he’s started to come into his own and realised that he has previously been whiny and completely self interested. He’s started to think of the others more positively. His character development this time round is something I adore. Not to mention the development of his and Ronan’s relationship - I’m still sensing a romance on the horizon!

My favourite characters have remained brilliant. Ronan is always great, but I massively appreciated that we got to see way more of his softer side in this book. I like the depth it’s bringing to him. Calla is still funny. Noah - I still love him and hope he turns out well, but I’m worried about him for this last book. A lot of the side characters added in this book were also great!

This book also made me appreciate Gansey a lot more. I’ve felt somewhat indifferent previously. I started to like him more in this book. I also enjoyed the blossoms of romance between him and Blue!

As for the Greenmantles. I hate them. I’m hoping they both either die or disappear in the last book. They annoyed the hell out of me. The ending involving Piper has me excited for the last instalment though!

Once again, I beyond recommend this series! It’s great. The friendships are wonderful and the quest is interesting. Here we go book 4!!

Side note: if you’re listening to the unabridged audiobook read by Will Patton 1) his voices for the characters are great. 2) stick around past the credits as the end - they play the Lily Blue song and I found it to be quite beautiful!