A review by veleda_k
Infinite Science Fiction One by Liam Nicholas Pezzano, Doug Tidwell, John Walters, Elizabeth Bannon, Joanna Jackson, William Ledbetter, Daniel Devine, Nick Hilbourn, Michaele Jordan, Matthew S. Dent, J.B. Rockwell, Rebecca Ann Jordan, Tim Major, Janka Hobbs, P. Anthony Ramanauskas, Dany G. Zuwen, Jay Wilburn


I received a free advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

A solid, satisfying collection of stories that truly live up to the name of “speculative fiction.”

An anthology is always a risk, but I don't think there's a truly bad story in the whole bunch, although some stand out more than others. A few felt limited by the short story format--”Rolling by in the Moonlight” seems to end just as it sets the scene, and likewise, “Real” feels a bit like a setup for a longer story. But plenty of others do wonderful things with the space they have, such as “Six Minutes” and “By the Numbers.”

A vein of horror runs through the stories. Some are straight up horror like “The Wedding” and “Slow,” while others just have an eerie feel. I can absolutely see “By the Numbers” being the basis for an episode of the classic Twilight Zone.

Favorites: “By the Numbers,” “Infinity,” “The Night With the Stars.”

All in all, a really nice collection that gives the reader a taste of what speculative fiction can do.