A review by lolasreviews
Pet Trade by Carol Van Natta


This one was really good and there were so many pets, which made me happy. And lots of unique pets too and almost every scene had pets in them. They played an important role in the story and were interwoven everywhere. I liked both of the main characters, they both had a tough life so far and are trying to find some peace and quiet on this planet. And seeing the female main character who was afraid of men slowly allow him close was great to see.

I thought both character felt realistic and I enjoyed reading about them. The romance was slow paced, which totally fit the story. There was a time skip in the middle of the story that worked well. I liked how much both characters cared about the pets. The author pulled of the short form really well and I never felt like I was missing something or things were rushed. I definitely plan to check out some of her other books.