A review by narflet
Echo: Black Hole by Terry Moore


The very last panel of the very last page of this volume gave me a good chuckle.

Thankfully, Hong the implausible is dealt with quickly and that plot point is moved away from swiftly. The volume then delivers an unexpected, but very good, comic double act in Julie and Ivy as they both grow in opposite directions. I don't quite know why the alloy is having this effect on Ivy, and I feel like perhaps we won't ever really get an explanation and it's just Plot. But it's entertaining, so I'll let it slide. The thing with Julie and insects/animals in interesting. I wonder if that's coming from her natural love of animals and being amplified by the alloy. Hope there's something more about this before the end.

It's nice that this volume ties up the
SpoilerCain story line
before we move into the final act. Looking forward to seeing how this all finishes.