A review by lunaphorie
The Josephine Bonaparte Collection: The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B., Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe, and the Last Great Dance on Earth by Sandra Gulland


This trilogy is absolutely amazing! It is written in a very personal diary-style and therefore we see everything through Josephines point of view. It's a true story (though Sandra Gulland definetly changed a few things or maybe 'interpreted' them in her way), and I really love reading books about true happenings.
Josephine lived a very adventurous life; she went through great and terrible fases but she always maintained optimistic and strong. And that tone is very dominant throughout the whole story.
Sandra Gulland researched a lot for these books (and I think it took her 8 years to finish them off) and while I read it I learned so much about the French Revolution and about people's lifestyle at that time. This book will forever have a special place in my heart, because I really felt everything what Josephine was going through and she became kind of one of my idols. I think she was a very strong woman, very intelligent and also kind of a feminist. Every single person in this book is described in such detail that I feel like I know them.
Am I exagerating? I don't know, you have to read it yourself and see if you agree with me or not. For me, it is an amazing trilogy that I will always re-read.