A review by krisrid
The Detecting Duchess by Kate Parker


This is one of my favourite series' and I've enjoyed each book very much. This one was an especially fun on, as we finally get to see Georgia and Blackford get married [that's not a spoiler if you've read the rest of the series and it's in the blurb for this book].

There is really nothing about this series I didn't like. Georgia is a wonderful main character, if a little conflicted about her change in status as she prepares to marry Blackford and become a duchess. She is smart and kind and very determined to be her own woman.

All the supporting characters in this series are also great. Interesting, likable people who surround and help Georgia no matter what trouble she gets herself into.

I am hopeful that this is not the final book in this series as it would be great fun to watch Georgia try to continue as a member of the Archivist Society now that she is a duchess.

This is a light, fun easy-reading series, and I highly recommend it!