A review by saluki
World After by Susan Ee


Read in one sitting. Total immersion!

How to evade and survive evil angels and horrifying flying hybrid scorpion-tailed creatures in the bleak landscape of a San Francisco in ruins?

Well, it's a hellish dark journey punctuated with unexpected moments of humour... crazy mom + scorpion + lipstick + hearts + flowers and I laughed out loud. Crazy mom is the bees knees and there is intelligent method to her schizophrenic madness. Penryn is badass yet not fearless but that doesn't stop her intense love and drive to protect her family and others. Stitched up, razor toothed, monstrous Paige shows growth and potential during this nightmare existence, and Raffe remains superior archangel warrior whose sole purpose appears to be regaining his white wings. And, so much action that rarely lets up.

And, don't get me going about semi-sentient angel swords... I'd love me a Pooky Bear!

I think it's safe to say I'm a massive fan of Susan Ee now and I'll read anything she writes in the fantasy/horror genres in future.