A review by mnboyer
Unashamed: Musings of a Fat, Black Muslim by Leah Vernon


PopSugar 2021 reading challenge #17

Typically, social media influences do not have a lot to say (sorry, not sorry). Leah Vernon, however, has a very interesting angle that I found compelling. She's a larger woman (self-described as fat), black, and Muslim -- all things that made me quite interested in her story. I was drawn in when she discussed the various instances of domestic violence within her home (both witnessing abuse endured by her mother, then having her own issues with her husband) and thought these moments were perhaps the most humanizing throughout the book.

There are other areas where I was less-connected to the author's retelling. I feel as if certain areas could have been narrowed down a little more, others fleshed out better. The style is good: you can definitely get a sense of this author's voice. However, there are moments when the voice distracts from the topic at hand. Overall, a decent book and I'm glad I read it.