A review by kagura_
Succubus Revealed by Richelle Mead


This is one of the most amazing books I've ever read. I didn't expect the Georgina Kincaid series to end up so... dramatically. I confess I didn't expect the depth Richelle Mead put into this book, and for that I apologize.

Because I'm new at actually making reviews, I'll just list down the things that struck me the most. SPOILERS AHEAD! Here we go:
*Seth being Kyriakos. I mean, yes, it was kind of expected. We all know that there had to be something, some greater force, that keeps Seth going back to Georgina after all the shit they've been through.
*Roman sacrificing himself for Georgina. This one's expected too. We all know Roman really fell for Georgina, and he'd do anything for her. I just didn't expect him to actually have to do it. It actually made me cry :/ I really liked Roman, even in the first book. I was even kind of hoping he'd end up with Georgie, even though that won't obviously happen.
*Jerome betraying Georgina. Yes, he's a demon, but after saving Georgina from the Oneroi, I really thought he cared enough for her to not tattle to his superiors.
*Carter being Georgina's... angel? He's not really just a guardian, he's the angel of Georgina. Of course, I used to ship them because I almost always ship the unshippable XD Anyway, he's just too awesome. I love his wise words and advice and I'm going to miss them and himself.

This book made me cry a lot. I can't put my finger on why, though. It's either I was just really emotional last night or this book is so great it squeezed my heart until it was too much.