A review by sandraagee
More to the Story by Hena Khan


This book was sold to me as a [b:Little Women|1934|Little Women|Louisa May Alcott|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1562690475l/1934._SY75_.jpg|3244642] retelling featuring a modern Pakistani family. There are definitely elements that are borrowed directly from the classic story, but this modern retelling definitely gives the story it's own unique twist. I think it's especially significant that this version is narrated in the first person, from Jam/Jo's perspective, unlike Little Women which favors Jo but is distinctly third person. As a result the focus on sisterly relationships is lacking compared to the original and Maryam/Meg and Aleeza/Amy are, I think, underutilized.

But if you aren't expecting/hoping for a word-for-word retelling, this is a pretty fantastic book. There's definitely a lot going on in this sweet, satisfying story and it's well worth the read. I enjoyed getting to spend time with Jam and her family and getting to peek into their culture.