A review by jessica_reading_writing
The Good Samaritan by John Marrs


4.5 Stars

Overview: Ooh what a creepy and interesting plot for a thriller! Only the second book I've read by this author, but I loved it. The tension built and built. At first I felt sorry for Ryan. Then I felt sorry for Laura. Then I didn't know whose side I was on!

Good Points: The different POVs make for gripping reading where you get to hear the different sides of the story. The pace is just right I think and keeps you turning the pages. The short chapters are good too because when you get to the end you think "just one more". I thought it was clever how the author weaved back story into the book too.

Not so Good Points: The only minor thing here is that I didn't think there were many shocking twists. Maybe because I'm comparing it to another of his books "What Lies Beneath"...that books had a twist on every page it seemed!

Overall an exceptional thriller that I highly recommend. I have two more books on my tbr shelf by this author so I best get cracking on with them!