A review by jbarr5
All He Ever Desired by Shannon Stacey


All He Ever Desired by Shannon Stacey
This book follows Ryan Kowalski, his family owns and runs the local ski lodge and he helps when he can.
Lauren Carpenter is divorced and has a son and works at the local insurance agent. She ran into Ryan at the diner where Paige is waitressing.
They don't have a past history but her ex was his best friend...
He will help Josh who's broken his leg and is recuperating and doing some repairs to the Lodge
Her parents run the hardware store and Pat is heavily into knitting. Love the chatter about the yarn.
After they get the lodge fixed up Josh and the rest of the family can then sell it and each can go their own way. That's the plan but as the previous book I read I know that's not what happens...
Her son Nick is giving her a hard time with his school work and now his father is busy on the weekend he was to go with him...
Ryan just can't stop thinking about Lauren while he's trying to get some work done to the lodge..
Paige and Mitch are to be married and the librarian Hailey will give Lauren a ladies treat of the salon and get her a dress for the wedding. It's only a few weeks away but her son gets in trouble and
she has to concentrate on that. At the lodge Rose will be sure Nick does his homework then do chores for Nick and the crew to pay back for the damages...
Tensions heat up with Ryan and Dean over Lauren and Nick...
Love catching up with the whole family as they have come home for the wedding... Love this series!
Hot steamy sex scenes just add to this book...
Excerpts from 3 other books by others are included