A review by kimmylovestoread
30 Lays in 30 Days: The List 1 by Kate J. Squires


I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

As the title suggests, there is a lot of sex in this book. The sex is funny, sexy, sweet, great, not so great and even a bit cringe worthy at times. But this book isn't only about sex. There is actually a lovely (and very sexy) love story as well.

We first meet Cat when she is out looking for a one night stand. That's when she meets Jackson. They go home together and an amazing night. It's when she and Jackson are talking afterward that she gets an idea: 30 days to get laid 30 times before her 30th birthday. She is newly divorced and ready to take her life back and Cat makes a list of all the different types of sex she has never had and wants to have. She and Jackson part ways, and she thinks that she probably won't see him again. Spoiler alert: she does.

I LOVED Jackson. He was not only great in bed, but he was a sweetheart with a great sense of humor. He knew when he met Cat that she was something special. Luckily for him, the two keep running into each other and they form a friendship. It's not ideal, but he will take it. It's after Cat has a particularly horrible night and goes running to Jackson for comfort, that he offers up his services. If Cat wants to finish her list, she can do it with him. I applauded that because these two always brought the heat when they were together.

He wrapped his long arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I felt myself tense slightly, being so close to him, but as he threaded his fingers through mine, I leaned into the intimacy of being his couch buddy.

The movie began and, as conscious as I was of Jackson’s presence, I surprised myself by laughing out loud –a lot. When Ryan said, “Hey, I’d do her. Hell, I’d probably even pay,” I rolled giggling toward Jackson’s chest, breathing in the scent of his skin.

What are you doing? He’s not your boyfriend! But whatever logic my brain tried to toss at me, being beside Jackson, watching a movie and dipping chips in guacamole just felt right.

We downed the bottle of wine between us, with the balance just slightly in my favor. I hadn’t eaten since Thai the night before, and the alcohol seeped into every cell of my body, loosening my wound-up state.

As the movie rolled past the hour mark, Jackson’s fingers began to explore my skin. He ran his hands along the back of my shoulders, my flesh exploding in goose bumps wherever he touched. I let my own fingers fall on his leg, scraping my nails across the grain of his jeans.

When he slid his hand inside my shirt, I moaned quietly, aching for him to touch me in the places that count. He cupped the side of my breast, lifting the weight, stroking the underside with delicate caresses. I responded by working my hand higher, brushing against the firm rod now pressing tightly against the denim.

We didn’t look at each other, or acknowledge what our respective hands were up to; it was somehow hotter to simply stare at the screen and let our bodies communicate on their own.

When Jackson’s fingers finally closed over my nipple, I sucked in a fast lungful of air, my chest rising to meet his hand. With an expert technique, he rolled the tender bud around, squeezing it in short bursts until it thrummed and hardened. Pleasure and heat began to radiate from my tortured left breast down to my core, which was damp and growing damper.

Just when I thought I couldn’t handle any more, Jackson switched hands and nipples, lavishing attention on the other breast, which had been screaming for its turn. I closed my eyes, the movie forgotten as the credits rolled.
With a sharp yank on both nipples, Jackson brought me back to myself. I squeaked, coming upright on the couch.

“Ready for bed?”he asked, his eyes cloudy with desire.

“Yes,”I breathed. I was ready for anything he asked. I’m not exaggerating –if Jackson had produced a cucumber or a webcam or the entire Queensland State of Origin team, I would still have said yes.

The more time Cat and Jackson spend together, the more they realize that they are actually an amazing couple. Jackson helps her with the items on her list and they both start to develop feelings that go way beyond friendship. But just when Cat thinks that she could actually have a real relationship with Jackson, her ex-husband shows up to ruin things. While I wasn't a big fan of this storyline I understand why it had to happen. Her ex-husband showing up was what she needed to completely take back her life.

The next book in this series is about Ari, who meet in this book. Ari is a key player when Cat completes one of the items on her list. For me, it was definitely one of the most intimate and sexy things that Cat did. And it was one of the items she did with Jackson, which made it even better. I found Ari fascinating and I can't wait to read his story.