A review by macindog
Metal Swarm by Kevin J. Anderson


It had been about four years since I put down Of Fire and Night so, on picking up Metal Swarm, I find not much has changed but the story rages on. When one enemy falls another arises only this time it's two of them - the Faeros and the long lost Klikiss. The Faeros are being directed by ex-Ildiran nut-job Rusa'h and basically burning everything in sight while the Klikiss simply want their old worlds back and woe betide anyone foolish enough to have colonized them.

On top of that lot the human political mess continues with the Hansa as the bad guys, King Peter forming a new confederation and the Roamers trying to keep their heads down. An then there's the Klikiss robots who basically hate everyone organic, especially their old creators and humans and Ildirans.

So, the mayhem continues much as before but it well crafted and still very readable. The characters we've grown to love and detest are mostly still there, romances are still blossoming, life goes on. Roll on The Ashes of Worlds.