A review by meeranair_54
Notes on Grief by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


A personal essay that explores the grief the author experiences upon the loss of her father, Notes on Grief is full of anecdotes and thoughts on topics related to time, family, culture, and death.

I’ve read and enjoyed several of Adichie’s works, such as Half of a Yellow Sun and Dear Ijeawele. Her writing is composed while also being heartfelt and emotional. And I love that about the way she writes!

This was a short read with even shorter chapters. If you are looking for books to read in one day, this should certainly be on top of your reading list.

Adichie’s pain permeates her writing. It is raw, impactful and heartrending.

She attempts to make sense of her emotions and how the world moves on despite the shattering experience she has had.

Her relationship with her father, the way she writes about it – all of it is so beautiful! We get to understand how much of a supporter he had been, playing a crucial role in shaping the woman she is.

I highly recommend this memoir, especially if you’re looking to know more about the author and not just read the fiction she writes.