A review by lattelibrarian
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex by Incite! Women of Color Against Violence


This was so intriguing.  I know that there's a lot I don't know about in this world, but I didn't realize just how little I knew about non-profit organizations.  As with any other grant-writing institutions, they must lay out exactly what they want to request, and why.  However, not many money-granting institutions are going to just give money away to the most radical and anti-establishment organizations.  So in that way--they must scale back, be more centrist in their activism.  Which...what does that really do, anyways?  In that way, they can only affect others in small ways. 

Additionally, there's a chapter in here on philanthropy, which is in itself hugely problematic when it comes to non-profits.  Philanthropy for the arts?  Sure!  Awesome!  Philanthropy for activism and humans?  That's a little....weird, to say the least.  With that, there comes an expectation where non-profit organizations must fit a certain mold in order to be acceptable, to have others want to give money to them. 

Overall, this is such a necessary book that critiques the ways in which non-profit organizations are forced to dial back and become more acceptable in the eyes of the money-holders.  It's perfect for today's climate, and for better understanding how lobbying and grants and philanthropy work in regards to activism.

Review cross-listed here!