A review by owengail22
Nobody's Perfect by Stephanie Butland


An escapist cwtch of a book

I love Stephanie Butland’s writing, it is always clear that she has a total grasp of her character’s personalities, their background and what makes them tick. The result is a confident novel full of excellent and realistic characters who you want to learn more about.

From very early on in the novel I was rooting for Kate, a young single mother of Daisy, a girl with cystic fibrosis. The authour has done extensive research into cystic fibrosis and she writes with confidence about Daisy’s daily struggles and the impact this has on the people who surround her.

There was potential for this book to become depressing due to the heavy subject matter, but it isn’t at all, it’s a beautiful soft read, reminding the reader about the nuances of life and how we are more than a medical diagnosis. None of us are perfect in reality and the pursuit of perfection can be a dangerous thing.

Kate and Daisy are supported through their days by a number of supporting characters who are equally believable. Richenda, Kate’s mum has been on her own journey of development after divorcing Kate’s father, her life has blossomed and we learn how happier she has become with her new husband Blake. Melissa, Kate’s school friend who is away at university give us an insight to an alternative reality that Kate could have enjoyed if she had gone to university.

Kate develops a relationship with Daisy’s teacher Spencer and it is this relationship, alongside Daisy’s illness and the resulting rollercoasters that keep the readers turning the pages. Kate had been dealt a difficult hand, I felt for her, I wanted to be her friend and for her life to get easier. We watch her develop and blossom as the narrative goes on and this is a delight.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good story with a proper beginning, middle and end, with characters that you can empathise with and a story that makes you smile and feel warm and fuzzy inside.