A review by misssusan
The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner


2017 reread

this is still the most romantic book i've ever read just in case you're wondering

2013 reread

so this is still an a+ favorite upon rereading. yay! 5 stars

hahahaha wow, did you actually think i could be that brief on anything i love? THINK AGAIN. the honoured miss susan never misses a chance to ramble!

okay so king of attolia does an excellent trick where it moves the narrative very far away from its protagonist. all the way to someone who quite dislikes him even! this is awesome because it means you, the reader, get to be in the gleeful position of knowing enough about gen to make educated guesses as to what game he's playing and feeling very clever whenever you're right. I LOVE FEELING CLEVER

also costis is darling, so straightforward and honorable. i never even got mad at him for disliking gen! who can blame him when gen was trying so hard not to let on there was anything to like

the politics are tasty and the romance is even better. this book sells me on gen/irene much better than queen of attolia ever did even though we never get to hear their thoughts on each other. megan whalen turner: creater of pov miracles!

as i said, 5 stars