A review by hookedbythatbook
My Greek Island Summer by Mandy Baggot


---This review can also be found on my blog www.hookedbythatbook.com---

Becky was content making superb sandwiches working for her sister’s business. But her sister, Megan, had big ambitions that did not include Becky’s idea of catering for the seniors’ home. Becky decided to take a vacation to Corfu on a whim. She met Elias and Petra on the plane. Elias, a divorce lawyer, is returning to Corfu to look in on his parents, but also to check out a client’s house that is in the centre of a bitter divorce. Petra is a young woman traveling the world without a care.
The three of them spent time together as their various flights were rerouted, or missed, or cancelled. Elias showed them the local sights at every unexpected stop and it turned into quite an adventure for all of them.

Becky had started to feel resentful towards her younger sister, but the two of them had a chance to talk it out, and both sisters made some discoveries about themselves and their relationship with each other. Petra turned out to be a wonderfully complex character. Elias was hard to pin down. On the one hand, he is a stuffy divorce lawyer with a big chip on his shoulder when it comes to love. On the other hand, he can be funny, kind, gentle, and caring. It was hard to reconcile these two sides.

Becky and Elias’ romance felt almost secondary to all the other issues that needed to be addressed, but it was still important to the story. It’s just that all the other things that went on took a lot of the attention away from the two of them.

I enjoyed the book. It was a quick, light read, and kept my interest the entire time.

Thank you to the publisher Aria, and Netgalley, for providing me with an advanced copy to review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.