A review by gcbf
What Happy People Know: How the New Science of Happiness Can Change Your Life for the Better by Cameron Stauth, Dan Baker


This was pretty good. It wasn't mindblowing, but it had some really nice anecdotes and was full of legitimate, science-bound tips. I learnt a lot about the reptilian brain which I hadn't known before. My favourite line went something like 'fear is always about the future, and the future we can't control'. It may sound obvious, that we fear the future BECAUSE we can't control it, but since we can't control it, why fear it? We always fear things that are not in the current moment, and we waste our current moment, which is the only moment we can control, by fearing about that which we will never be able to control. It stuck with me, that line.
Also, if anyone can tell me who those celebrities are that would be amazing; I went so far as Googling as to find out! Yes. I am nosy.