A review by groadie
I'm with the Band: Confessions of a Groupie by Pamela Des Barres

informative slow-paced


I enjoyed parts of this book but these were often overshadowed by how long it went on for and how badly it needed an editor, especially the diary excerpts which could be really meandering. I wish the author had focused on each of her experiences more individually and not mushed it all together in a confusing tide of information. So many names to keep up with, and so much falling in love! I love romance as much as anyone but this was just one gushy encounter after another and it sort of depressed me by its regularity and seeming futility! 
I don't mean to criticise the way the author lived her life as I think her story is fascinating and she herself must be very interesting and unique person (although this book also contains a fair amount of predatory behaviour and other stuff whose damage the author glosses over apparently waving the 'it was a different era' flag). What I take issue with is the way her story was told — I feel like her experiences needed a more organised and meaningful approach than this.