A review by thispagealone
The Last Night of the Earth Poems, by Charles Bukowski


I don't like Bukowski. I find him a drunk and mysoginistic piece of shit. That said, I love his realism in this poems. It's a style I appreciate and read quite happily, even if he is a pretentious fuck.
Why did I read this book then, if I knew I didn't like him? You cannot say you don't like some author without having read them! I mean I read all the Twilight saga! And I can say it's shit.
Anyway, let's close. I appreciated this book for what it was. A book of realistic poems. I don't like the author, though. I don't think that he and I have anything in common, if not our mutual respect for cats.
To say it with his own words:
"the writing is proficient
but somewhere there is a terrible
lacking, an unnatural void..."
Happy reading everyone! Valeria out.