A review by nyla_reads
Two Christmases by Suleena Bibra


I love Suleena's work, her debut novel is one of my all time faves, so I was ecstatic to learn that there was a second in the series.

This book follows Sonia, a typical city gal and her relationship with Beau, made for the country life. Both show each other a flavour of what their christmas is like and must navigate between sacrificing their home for the love.

I loved this couple, and I loved the focus on family, I really was heartbroken with Sonia's relationship with her parents and could feel her pain through the prose. I loved the way Beau treated Sonia, ensured that she was given the respect she deserves but also gave her a flavour of what it feels like to be in a committed relationship. I really enjoyed particular scenes, and found some plot devices absolutely hilarious, but unfortunately, this book was just a bit too slow for my liking! I didn't really feel their chemistry and was waiting for the conflict to come soon as it felt like it was only really utilised in the last 15%.

Despite this, I would recommend for some opposites attracts romance! I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for future work from this author!