A review by jamesnotlatimer
Outlaw Mountain by G.R. Matthews


Winningly combines the Chinese-inspired setting of his Forbidden List series ([b:The Stone Road|21996457|The Stone Road (The Forbidden List, #1)|G.R. Matthews|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1414578896s/21996457.jpg|26654071]) with the humour and action of his Corin Hayes ([b:Silent City|25357600|Silent City (Corin Hayes, #1)|G.R. Matthews|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1437262244s/25357600.jpg|45099981]) series. The pair of heroes are reminiscent of the best fantasy duos: Fafhrd/Grey Mouser, Legolas/Gimli, Asterix/Obelix. Overall, a great example of what to expect from Mr Matthews.