A review by vacantbones
The Dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker


I don't really write reviews, for a whole plethora of reasons, but I had to come and defend this book. Upon adding it to my list, many of my friends tried to convince me it was, for a lack of better words, boring and uneventful. And maybe they weren't necessarily *wrong* per se, but I really loved this book.
The writing was just so dreamy (I know, I know) and even though the plot didn't as much unfold as it did slowly boil over, the way the book was written was just so lovely and detailed that I finished it in two days. I know a lot of people are frustrated with the lack of "answers" and serious science, but I feel like I received just enough information about the sleep state and the unraveling of the town to be satisfied with the book. The characters were actually some of my favorites in recent history, minus that of Matthew, and that many people wish there was a relationship between him and another character just baffles me because nothing ever indicated that they were on the same wavelength. These characters were just people that brushed shoulders during a life altering event and sometimes that is just enough.
Overall, this is a 4 star read for me. I agree that maybe it's a bit of a hard one to swallow for some readers, but the writing is everything I wanted and my expectations were exceeded.