A review by bookishzelda
Losing at Love: An Outer Banks Tennis Academy Novel by Jennifer Iacopelli

Losing at Love had a slightly slow start for me. I’m not even sure why but once the ball got rolling I was all in. It’s kind of like watching a Tennis Pro reality show only you get to be in three of the girls heads. I like that the book is divided up in the different points of views of Penny, Jasmine and Indy. Each girl is going through their own little slice of drama but they are all passionate about what they love. Which of course is tennis. The right amount of tennis is mixed in, you get enough to really feel like you're involved but not to much it overwhelms you. The story has good pacing and I really liked Jennifer Lacopelli’s writing.

Penny is dealing with an injury and how that affects her career. She’s resting it but still wants to play in Wimbledon because of course it’s Wimbledon. She has her boyfriend her side, who is supportive of her, no matter her decisions are. I really liked their relationship. It was just the right amount of cute. I also like Alex’s mom making an appearance.

Indy is an up and comer who is having a secret relationship with Penny’s brother Jack. Wow I really felt for Indy. There were things that happened that were not in her control and sometimes it seemed like when it rained it poured. Her biggest obstacle was learning to be both a friend and a pro tennis player, and how the two intertwine. It’s not always easy to choose the sport over everything else. Her and Jack’s relationship was also interesting and cute.

Jasmine at the beginning was actually my least favorite of the girls but then pulled ahead to be my favorite of the storylines. She is dealing with a loss that is causing people to question whether she should go pro or go to college first instead. She really struggles with this decision because even though she knows what she wants, she’s getting a lot of resist and pressure from the people around her. Once Jasmine hits London I really ended up liking her. Instead of letting people roll over her…..ahem Teddy...she really ends up standing up for herself and moving on. It was so refreshing to read a character like her! There were a couple scenes that I wanted to high five her and yell, you go girl!

There were a few people definitely on my shit list. Caroline, Teddy and Amy…..ugh Amy. Talk about someone that reminds you of every annoying person you have ever come across in your life. I cringed every time she called Jasmine Jazzy. I really loved having Paolo and Alex’s mom, Anna, around. Dom...well I had mixed feelings about him.

By the time I reached the end of the book, I was like really that’s it. I felt so disappointed because I wanted more! I wanted to keep reading and know how things worked out for the girls!!! It was that ah man feeling when I hit the acknowledgements. (which is a good thing) I really liked the book and I’m not always a big sports book fan. Like I said though this one had the perfect mix. Great read!