A review by the_evergrowing_library
Mine by Robert R. McCammon


Jesus Christ, this was the most traumatic first dozen pages I think I’ve ever read!

This was McCammon’s first novel to step away from any supernatural elements and focus on the real world, which is a scary enough place.
The book for the first half sets up our main cast, builds the tension and leads into the main plot before switching up to what is a relentless chase thriller for the second half.

Mary Terrell, aka Mary Terror is one of the best written Female Antagonists that I’ve had the dis/pleasure of reading(up there with Annie Wilkes). The other characters that appear throughout the novel also feel very well put together and I found them all to be really believable.

The plot was fairly straightforward but did flow with a lot of original ideas that built further beyond just ‘snatch and run’. I did feel there was a bit off a dip in pacing just after the 1/2 way mark but it kept itself on track.
In the interest or trying to find faults I would say that there was some injuries, or lack of, that felt a bit beyond the realms of grounded reality, but you have to have some damage occur along the way!

This book is basically a parents worst nightmare!