A review by kp_khera
Superhero by Eli Easton


3,5 Stars rounded up because of the amount of cuteness.

One word that describes this book in its entirety: Adorable.

Owen ended up being my favourite character. Yes, he was kind of an idiot as he continued to hurt Jordy with his girlfriend. BUT At least he didn’t try to explain away the moments they shared as not being “really gay”.
SpoilerOnce he was confronted with the terrifying real possibility of losing Jordy forever and having to choose between his career and Jordy - he fucking manned up and chose him. It went a bit fast, but then again that kind of attitude showed tenacity and commitment. He’s the kind of guy that once he has an idea in his mind… He won’t let go. Luckily for all of us, Jordy was a bit more practical and got Owen to actually see if his career as doomed as he thought it to be.

Ugh... Feels.

I read this book 2 months ago, and the review above is what I wrote immediately after... I stand by what I wrote, because they're amazing together

Owen FTW <3