A review by seak
Hang Wire by Adam Christopher


A killer is on the loose and Ted Hall's nighttime sleepwalking escapades are lining up directly with the Hang Wire Killer's murders. That's not information you volunteer until you know a little more.

The circus is also in town and not without their oddities.

Christopher sinks his hooks into you from the start as he slowly reveals what is going on. I had the distinct feeling of Stephen King novel throughout the majority of the book and I'm guessing that was intentional because I know how heavily the author is influenced by the King.

After a great beginning, however, I was pretty let down by the major reveals in the novel. I won't go into too much detail, but I'm not a huge fan of this particular type of supernatural and it seemed like it wasn't quite set up well enough to pull it off. That could be my inherent bias, though...I'm not sure anyone could pull it off to my satisfaction.

I also wasn't too impressed with the characters. I didn't really like any of them and I definitely wasn't rooting for anyone so I had a hard time even caring what happened.

I still liked the book, especially the first half or so, but I can't say I'd outright recommend it.

3 out of 5 Stars (recommended with reservations)