A review by jbmorgan86
Remina by Junji Ito


One of my 7th grade students introduced me to Junji Ito last year. I thought he was just her niche thing. Then I started reading through the ALA’s list of best graphic novels and Junji Ito appears twice!

Story: A scientist discovers a new planet and named it after his teenage daughter, Remina. She is catapulted to fame. Then, the planet starts rushing toward earth and consuming every celestial body in its path. The people of earth decide to make a ritual sacrifice of Remina (this is actually the opening scene).

Art: Typical Ito style. Black and white, graphic, and horrifying.

Overall: An original concept that is fun . . . but also kind of dumb. The second half of the book is full of running, screaming, and exposition via dialogue. The characters are flat. As is usual in Ito’s work, the men all our helpless to their romantic obsessions.