A review by glennisleblanc
All Seeing Eye by Rob Thurman


This series reminds me of the Harper Connelly series in where there is no supernatural in it except for the main protaganist. Jack's psychic powers come into play during a family tradegy that leaves him an orphan of the state. Jack runs away from the state boys home and finds a carnival where he lives and as an adult opens a psychic shop. He is visited by the brother of the one friend he made at the boys home and finds himself recruited unwillingly to their project. It seems his old friend was working on astral projection for the military and died during an experiment. Now his spirit is trying to get back and is causing a lot of vilolent death. Jack has to shut this down even if he doesn't want to since the project is blackmailing him with getting his younger sister out of jail. I liked the book and it does have a small happy ending even if some things Jack learns about himself are not pleasant.