A review by tandemjon
Lost Souls by David Mack


I though the ideas behind the book were good and the scope was huge, but found the cast of characters a bit daunting at times trying to remember what they all looked like due to the vast number of species. Old age memory probably. I though the conclusion was anti climatical and the US marines in space Fire In the hole attitude not very star trekky. Great idea but for me, let down by too many sections where charcaters just act completely out of character for Federation crew, too many different species, and too many planetary anhilations seemingly just for the sake of it. I didn't understand why the borg send a couple of ships now and again until the Federation have their last minute escape plan in place, then they send their fleet. It just didn't make sense to me. They are ruthless and relentless, and this seemed the equivalent of the baddy telling Jame Bond his entire plan while he holds a gun on Bond, right beifre Bond kills him!