A review by foxholebookcourt
Flash Fire by TJ Klune


Flash Fire by TJ Klune
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

“Holy shit, we’re PyroGuard! Wait, no. That sounds like medicine for a foot rash. GuardStorm! StormGuard? GuardPyro!”
“Nicky, no,” they all groaned.
“Nicky, yes!”

This year has been a bit tough for me, as unexpected things kept being thrown to my face. But this book, slowly but surely, carried me through a difficult summer and an even more difficult start of the winter semester. I would read ten to twenty pages perhaps even a week, but that still didn’t take away from the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed this.

At first, the plot was progressing a bit slowly. I was confused and could not predict where exactly the story would go. But after the first third, the story picked up and I was thoroughly entertained and gripped. The first book in the series had made me genuinely laugh so it was of no surprise that Flash Fire achieved the same. It also had me anxious and worried and at some point (if you’ve read the book, you can probably guess) I was confident that Klune would break my heart. But as always, he delivered, and I ended up finding the sequel to The Extraordinariness much more enjoyable even than the first one (that I had also loved).

It’s worth mentioning that Klune had received some criticism on his first book because the protagonist’s father is a cop and that he was glorifying the police. It’s safe to say that he handled this matter in the second book amazingly and, while at first I thought it would be glossed over by a random dialogue, it actually wasn’t and it carried out through the whole book, with an amazing resolution at the end.

As far as the character go, I was pleasantly surprised. Sure, I had loved all the side characters from the first book, but the second one shone more light on them. It focused a lot on their friendship or on the family bonds between Nicky and his father, and I love that. However, I also loved how awkward and real Nicky and Seth’s relationship was and I’m really satisfied with the fact that there wasn’t any unnecessary angst between them and that it was all focused on self discovery, exploring and of course, the kick ass superhero story. Of course, Nick was an excellent protagonist and him and his father had me cracking up every other page.

I can’t wait for book three to come, I’m so excited to see where the story will go. It wasn’t left at a cliff-hanger but there was still enough tension and context to keep me excited.

"They took a moment of silence for the heterosexuals of the world."