A review by lt_tara
#FinishLine by Cambria Hebert


This book was magnificent and I loved every single second of it. I don't have enough words to describe how beautiful this book was and how happy it made me.
I was so excited to read more about Hopper and Arrow and Joey and Jace. I absolutely adore these two couples and this novel was just such a nice way to get more from them.
I thought I would like it less because I thought it would be just a short little HA but no, I devoured it all in one sitting and I loved it with my whole heart. I smiled so big throughout the whole thing and I couldn't get enough.

Hopper and Arrow's story line was my favorite I have to admit. They are the definition of love. Their relationship is so powerful and strong and all-consuming. I would read thousand more pages about those two.
I loved how affectionate and respectful they were and how they always knew what the other needed. Their possessiveness and love was so sexy and actually breath-taking. And I truly adored Hopp's proposal and their black and white rings and their ring finger tattoos. It all made me swoon so hard. Plus their wedding was so cute.
But my favorite thing for sure had to be their conversations. They always have these deep and meaningful talks that make me speechless and in awe of how wise and sure they are in their love for each other.

Joey and Jace are a whole other deal. Those two are the best pair ever. I love their banter and the visible burning love they have for each other. They are so cute and sexy together and I love reading about their life.
Jace's proposal in Vegas was so cheesy but extremely charming and wonderful. I also enjoyed their wedding.
We didn't get to see as much of them as we did from Hopp and Arrow but I loved those scenes we got.
The most heart-warming and beautiful scene had to be the one where Sophie was born. I genuinely don't know what it is about guys being obsessed about their babies but it makes my heart melt and it also makes ME pregnant just from reading about it. Once Jace saw his little daughter I was a goner. The amount of love radiating from him was insane and the same goes for Joey but Jace is just something else entirely. I loved how protective he was with her and it was so cute when the rest of the family joined them to meet her.

This book was perfection and it made me the happiest. I really needed a good, sweet book from Cambria about my favorite people. It was exactly that. And I always love the GearShark interviews because they are so much fun to read and "catch up" with our favorite racers.
I just wish there was more of Drew and Trent even though I know they get their own book after this one.
Again, I just loved this book so so much