A review by mheinlein
The Coral Thief by Rebecca Stott


I received a copy of Rebecca Stott s book, The Coral Thief, from the Library Thing s early reviewers program, and I truly enjoyed spending time in this book. I say IN this book, as opposed to reading this book, because this is a story that drew me in. The young Daniel Connor thought he had the rest of his life mapped out. He would travel to Paris in July of 1815 and work for the famous Professor Cuvier as an aide-naturaliste. This in turn would significantly improve his reputation in his chosen profession as a man of science . Life rarely follows the plans we make for it though, and the traveler on the road of life is often met with ambushes and skirmishes . Daniel s ambush went by the name of Lucienne Bernard. Daniel found out first hand that Lucienne is a thief, a common thief, however, she was not. The lives of Daniel and Lucienne become entwined and Daniel found himself on a road he could never have dreamed of before he met his thief.