A review by airclay3
A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green


Wow. I love all the factors that Hank includes that show what the world is like as time goes on. This is a very interesting style that really captures a modern writing style. I love all his random references to things that are super relevant to our society. Some of the references may date this book tremendously very soon, but I greatly enjoyed reading it regardless. I especially loved the insta-description filled out with Kurt Butler. Love April and Maya!!! Bex is a badass, and I absolutely love Miranda. PP was so wild to watch at the end, and so sad about Carl. This was so creative and well thought out! Interesting how the monkey ran to April. And Paxton and Sid are great human beans! Loved the shade thrown that Altus’ main audience being males, because Miranda literally saw like 2 women her whole time there. Great job, Hank! Can’t wait to see what you write in the future. I also really appreciate that this is a 2 book series! Not too long, but enough to fully wrap up the entire story.