A review by renpuspita
Dining with Angels: Bits & Bites from the Demonica Universe by Larissa Ione, Suzanne M. Johnson


4 stars

Now, I'm not the type to read a cook book, even I like cooking myself (mostly just simple recipes that don't need so much preparation time) and eating. But I read this because the cookbook contain many short stories about Demonica, a series that always I love to read and come back to. This cookbook is a collaboration between Larissa Ione and her pal, Suzanne Johnson. I never know the later, but her recipes are mostly mouth-watering to read even I don't want to try it. I mean, I'm not American, eventho I like to watch American food videos especially the New-Orleans based foods. So yeah, I read this just for the Demonica stories only.

Despite the scorching level of the steaminess, the story is mostly PG-related when it comes to sex scenes and swearing. Actually, I find it funny when Larissa replace "fucking" word with "floofing", lol. I get it that maybe not everyone read this book for the stories but just for the recipes only. But, any Demonica fans will read this, even maybe they will not try the recipes. The book have 7 short story, with the last is not a story per se, just an (fictional) interview between Larissa and my favorite Demonica couple, Eidolon-Tayla (Eidolon still make me sigh every time I read about him). The thread that connected those stories is...Azagoth kinda brooding. Again. But with a good reason since if you read Hawkyn, Lilliana left him, and apparently now someone killing his son. But not just Azagoth brooding, all the characters are preparing for Ares and Cara baby shower, and boy...it's nice to read what happen to them after they got their happy ending.

Not all characters got their story written. I mostly miss Revenant and Blaspheme, since Revenant is my second favorite character (first is still Eidolon). But from all the stories, I like Wraith-Selena, and Reseph-Jillian the most. This two stories kinda connect with my real life so maybe that's why I like theirs. Wraith and Serena with their children problem make me remember my childless condition, but eh, that's another thing :D. As for Reseph and Jillian, I did feel their anxiety and stress since Jillian want to move to the city yet Reseph don't want to leave their sanctuary in the middle of nowhere. Theirs kinda remind me of my unwillingness to move from the apartment to my own house, haha. But in the end, I like that Larissa show that compromise between two people is a must. It's not that Jillian or Reseph are egoistical person themselves. Sometimes, we just need to compromise to try work our relationship.

Wew, for a cookbook review that didn't mention any recipes in the cookbook, this review already too long, lol. This cookbook is kinda like a gift for any Demonica's fans, but if you like a Southern's style recipes, maybe you can try to make them too. I'm sure it will be delicious :D