A review by laurenjodi
Burning Alive: The Sentinel Wars by Shannon K. Butcher


Burning Alive
4 Stars

Three separate Sentinel races work together to protect humanity from demons known as the Synestryn. Drake Asher is a Theronai warrior who will die if he cannot channel his immense power through the woman destined to be his mate. Now he has found her, but Helen Day wants nothing to do with him as he is the dark-haired man who watches her burn alive in her visions.

First-time author for me and I was not disappointed. Butcher’s writing is smooth and her world-building is imaginative and well-developed. While almost everything about the nature of the Sentinel races is explained throughout the book, there are some tantalizing hints at revelations yet to come.

The primary and secondary characters are skillfully drawn. The characterization is so good that each and every person in the book evokes emotion from me whether amusement, sadness, annoyance or even outright dislike.

The romance is intense and the chemistry between Drake and Helen sizzles. Their remarkable connection drew me right into the story. Helen is a bit too passive and accepting at the start but grows stronger and more determined as the book progresses. Even though she fears everything that Drake represents, she is unwilling to sacrifice others and is ultimately able to overcome her fears when the moment of truth arrives. Drake is fierce, sexy and loyal. He can be overbearing and possessive but this is understandable considering the fact that he has finally found the mate who can help him survive and will do anything to keep her.

The book ends with a compelling twist and I look forward to reading more in the series.