A review by bunnerz
A Crown of Blood and Bone by Sloane Murphy

Did not finish book.
DNF at 31% when the FMC Remy was going through the ritual to fully unlock her memories and powers.

I've realized after this book that I am not the biggest fan of reincarnation plots. They don't make much sense to me, especially when whole families and partners are supposed to be reincarnated together repeatedly. Remy was said to be on her 12th reincarnation, while her elder brother was only on his 6th. The book explained that not all the siblings were necessarily reborn together, and sometimes they were only children, which was fine.. but what about the parents? Did they not have grandparents? How far did this generational logic go?

Additionally, the whole "reveal your true history and species only after you turn 21" because you could permanently die from the "the sheer intensity of the power" of memories was an irritating arbitrary restriction to me. It was silly that learning the truth about the past could be fatal - they're just memories? For all they know it could also just be fantasy? Why not just not believe it?

After reading a few other critical reviews of the book with jumpy flashbacks and bad smut scenes, I decided this book wasn't for me and couldn't finish it. As is, there was definitely a need for a good editor - the dialogue flow and punctuation sometimes made reading scenes confusing.