A review by momwithareadingproblem
Seducing Kaden by Siobhan Davis


I received an eARC of this book from the author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Seducing Kaden
is the latest installment of The Kennedy Boys by Siobhan Davis. I have to start by saying I was excited and hesitant to read this book. Why? Kaden has been a mystery the entire series. From shady dealings in a back alley to fighting with Keven, Kaden has intrigued me. Then I got a taste of the blurb and found out that his romance was not only forbidden but taboo to the extreme….a married professor?! Really, Kaden could do better in my mind. Now those were my thoughts going into the book. See why I was hesitant 😉 Y’all I should’ve known better. It is Siobhan Davis after all, and she’s never disappointed. Alternating from past to present and between the points of view of Kaden and Evelina, Seducing Kaden unfolds in a dark and intimate romance that will leave you breathless by the end.

The book opens during Kaden’s first day of college and his first encounter with Evelina before jumping three years. The constant back and forth did make this hard to connect to Evelina. I already liked Kaden, but I had a hard time connecting to their romance. The story starts with them already in love and flashback chapters tell how they fell in love. The constant back and forth made it a little hard to follow the timeline. However hints and scenes from previous books ([b:Keeping Kyler|35173354|Keeping Kyler (The Kennedy Boys, #3)|Siobhan Davis|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1495223501s/35173354.jpg|53578435], [b:Saving Brad|35195464|Saving Brad (The Kennedy Boys, #5)|Siobhan Davis|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1501010879s/35195464.jpg|56533311]…at least I believe) helped to tie this story to the series as a whole.

Evelina’s story is heartbreaking. Her marriage is a sham. She lives in constant fear. Really she is a damsel in distress, waiting for her knight to free her from her prison. But life isn’t a fairytale, and her knight could lose his life freeing her. I had a hard time accepting her reluctance to get herself out of her situation.

Now to the aspect of the story I had the hardest time accepting before I even read it: cheating. I abhor cheaters. I feel like there is always another option. However this story it didn’t even feel like cheating. Evelina was married, but not by her choice. There was no love lost between her and her husband. Now I know I’m justifying and I’m not even giving that many details (because spoilers!), but when you read it you’ll get what I mean.

Overall, I liked Kaden’s story. It wasn’t my favorite of the series, that’s still [b:Loving Kalvin|36755510|Loving Kalvin|Siobhan Davis|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1513426007s/36755510.jpg|55952239]. I recommend this one to anyone that is a fan of the series thus far. However I do feel I should warn you that this is a darker read than Siobhan Davis's previous books.