A review by mdstepp1998
Seed by Rob Ziegler


Quick review. Read this entirely over two long plane flights across the country and the best word I can use to describe it is "OK." There is a solid idea in this book - post-apocalyptic climate change fundamentally changes everything and the world is "saved" but by new technology (the GMo, artificial seeds) that its creators use to harshly control the world.

There is a good science fiction aspect to the story as the purveyors of the seeds and the biodomes in which they live are genetically grown beings with telepathic-like powers. Interesting stuff.

Like I said, a solid idea. A good foundation. But laid on top of the foundation is relatively shallow character building and struggling plot progression that bog the story down at times. Ultimately, I was left not caring really at all about the characters and story.

Compare this to the deep, character driven (IMO) "The Windup Girl" which this book most squarely relates to, but falls short of meeting.

This looks to be the authors first novel and I hope he gives another run at writing. There's obviously something there and it will be interesting to see what the author will produce as he moves forward.