A review by pattykakes
Tales from Margaritaville: Fictional Facts and Factual Fictions by Jimmy Buffett


I saw this quirky book in a secondhand bookshop and couldn’t resist. After all, I’d been singing Jimmy Buffett songs while driving with the windows down for more years than I was willing to admit to, but I’d never bothered to read one of his books.

While there are a few pop culture references which will go way over the heads of anyone under the age of 30 and be hard to recollect for those a decade older, those bits of Google fodder didn’t detract from what clearly comes through between the covers of the book: Buffett is one hell of a storyteller.

He weaves his tales, both short and long, with a bit of down home common sense mixed together with just enough of a hint of “Is he pulling my leg?” to keep it entertaining. His descriptions of the Keys and the sea and the nostalgia that comes with belonging to a place make you question where you call home and yearn to find it, if only for a moment.

And when I’d read the last page and closed the book, I was reminded of my favorite line from one of Buffett’s songs ... “If we couldn’t laugh we’d all go insane.”