A review by csifbi23
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn


A family destroyed by murder in 1985... only two survivors--one branded a murderer, the other a witness. This book simultaneously unravels the mystery of who really killed the Day family through flashbacks to the mother and the brother charged with the murders, and by Libby (the only other surviving Day family member) and her current day (2010ish) search to determine the truth of what happened that night.

Flynn is still a big fan of plot twists in this novel, though I felt she tipped her hand a bit more with this book than with Gone Girl, but I still loved this book, and was devouring it in the second half--wishing the world would just leave me alone for a while.

Flynn seems to be the master of dysfunctional and very human characters. It's a blessing and a curse. It can be easy to empathize with her protagonists, but difficult to like them. Luckily, her story makes up for any issues with character likeability.

Of her 3 books, I'd say this is Flynn's second best.