A review by nika_nix
I Don't Want to Kill You by Dan Wells


I flew through this book in one day and I couldn't stop reading. The best book in the trilogy, definitely. I absolutely loved it and now I can officialy say that this trilogy is one of the best and one of my favourite trilogies of all time. It's perfect! It was intense, interesting, creepy, funny at moments and it managed to break and totally destroy me at the end. Hate it and love at the same time. Words can't express how much I loved this book, but I'll try. I have to mention the absolutely beautiful Croatian cover of this book. I can't stop looking at it.

John was still an amazing character. I love him more and more with every book. I connected with him completely and I really cared for what was happening to him. He's so unique and interestong to read about, his thoughts and actions are kind of insane but I totally loved them. Crap, I'm in love again. That's just perfect. No, serioisly, it is. And John is perfect, too. I liked Marci a lot and I found myself shipping her and John so hard. That's love, bitch! They should've ended up together and be happy. SPOILER ALERT! When Marci died, I wanted to throw the book in the sea. Seriously, I almost did! It's so unfair! I liked Brooke in previous books but I stopped liking her when she left John. I'm team Marci now and I don't like Brooke at all, She should've died, too. I really liked John's mom and the ending broke me again. How she sacrificed herself to save her son and pretty much everyone, it was beautiful. That woman rocks! I didn't like Ericksen at all and I constantly thought he's involved, too, but I guess I was wrong. Nobody was interesting character but I expected more of her. However, she deserved what she got and I don't feel sorry for her at all.

There were some pretty wicked plot twists and I was surprised multiple times. SPOILER ALERT! When Marci died, I was so sad, angry, frustrated. I still can't get over that. Another huge surprise was when April sacrificed herself to protect John. I just loved that scene so much. However, my favourite scene was the last paragraph of the book when John talked with dead Marci. It was beautiful painfull and perfect. THEN, after I read the last sentence, I threw a book, but not in the sea. The end destroyed me. Hate you, Dan Wells. However he is an amazing author and I absolutely love his writting style. The atmosphere of the book is amazing, describing is great and the characters are so easy to connect with. I Don't Want to Kill You is definitely my favourite book in the trilogy and a great conclusion to it. Everything wraps up nicely and I don't want it to end. However, I'm glad John found his heart and emotions at the end. Read these books, they're amazing!