A review by jasmyn9
When a Laird Finds a Lass by Lecia Cornwall


This series has completely wrapped me around its finger. It's not often I give two books in a row from a series 5 stars, but A Highland Fairy Tale is just enchanting. The subtle nods to classic fairy tales, mixed with exciting highlander romance seems to be the perfect combination for me. And Lecia Cornwall does a great job mixing them together just right.

Malcolm may not look much like a highlander at first, but deep down in his blood he's highlander through and through. When his clan tracks him down in the city to come be the new Laird of Dunbronach, he thinks it's a joke. He's a lawyer - not a highlander. But to honor his estranged father's dying wish, he'll go back, but he won't be staying.

But the mysterious woman who washes up on shore may make him change his mind. The clan is convinced she's a selkie, but there's a secret that Malcolm hides from everyone - she's the daughter of a clan the MacDonald's have sworn to kill.

There's a dash of lies, some mistaken identity, and a just a hint of mermaid and selkie lore to add a hint of magic to the story. A finding of yourself theme for Malcolm, and he'll need his mystery woman to pull it all together. A great romance, and a great story. I can't wait to see what's next!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book**