A review by stormhawk
How to Be a Great Boss by Gino Wickman, René Boer


More of (some of the same) good information in Traction. My biggest concern with this is that EOS uses Jim Collins "Good to Great" book as a foundation. That book studied companies in the 1990's when the baby boomer generation were in their 30's and 40's. There were plenty of potential employees for every position. You could afford to be choosy and move people out of organizations quickly because you knew there would be a large pool of replacement candidates. That is not how it is today. Organizations need to spend much more time developing people, growing them, coaching, mentoring, etc. There is none of that in this book. It is mostly about evaluate them, if they are the wrong person or in the wrong seat - terminate them and find someone else. Feels like this book misses the reality of what organizations are experiencing when it comes to employee management.