A review by now_booking
End Zone Love by Love Belvin


1.5 “Not for me” Stars!

I approached this book with great trepidation because I wasn’t a huge fan of Book 1 of this series by the same author because I didn’t like the main characters at all. That said, I was a massive fan of Books 2 and 3 and was excited for the next installment in the series till I saw it was once again super annoying Jade and massively clueless Trent.

I counted it a relief when Book 1 ended and was thrilled that potentially I wouldn’t have to deal with the main couple extensively again. Having read another 400+ pages of Jade and Trent, I’m still uncertain as to the purpose of this book. I don’t see that it adds anything to their story. They still have the same immature conflicts, there’s little to no progress in their relationship, there’s no new or interesting ground covered here that wasn’t covered in the first book in this series which was also unnecessarily long. I just don’t quite understand what the purpose of this book was.

The premise here is that Jade and Trent are now married but they both still have mummy issues, trust issues, lack of communication issues, solving issues with sex issues, Jade jumping to conclusion issues, poor reasoning and judgment issues- the full gamut of things you are probably already familiar with from Book 1. This book is once again their endless back and forth of misunderstandings and self-generated drama.

I really didn’t enjoy this book like I did the previous two in the series but just because it’s not for me doesn’t mean it won’t be for you. If you like contrived somewhat immature romantic drama of the self-generated sort you would find in a reality show, you might not be as irritated with this as I was. Also, the great thing about this series is that the books more or less standalone. If you enjoyed the first book, you’ll definitely want to check this out for more Jade and Trent. If the first CK book wasn’t for you, this is DEFINITELY one to skip.