A review by just_fighting_censorship
Doctor Who Volume 2: Tesseract by Blair Shedd, Tony Lee, Al Davison


3 1/2 Stars

The 2 stories in this volume are the title story "Tesseract" which was more set up than actual story, and "Don't Step on the Grass" which was by far the more entertaining of the two.

Tesseract- I didn't enjoy this story as much as I should have which is due to a number of variables. I love TARDIS focused stories, it is so much fun to explore the infinite number of rooms that make up the greatest ship in all of sci-fi. There are so many possibilities but this story squanders them. The story could have been interesting but it was rushed and the focus was really on setting up the next story.

Secondly, I am totally and completely uninterested in the two companions that the Doctor has picked up from the 1920's, Emily Winter and Matthew Finnegan. They bore me and I find that I don't care if Matthew trusts the Doctor or not, a dilemma that becomes more and more of a focus later on.

Thirdly, the artwork...

Don't Step on the Grass- This story is far superior and worth reading. First off, the artwork is phonemically better, David Tennant actaully looks like David Tennant! Yay!

Secondly, and I can't believe I'm saying this, Martha Jones makes this story what it is! This story is post "Journey's End" and that adds a great dynamic between Martha Jones-Smith and the Doctor who was disappointed by her almost blowing up earth. The history between the two characters is used perfectly.

Thirdly, this is an Earth bound story with much at stake, and it feels like there is a chance that the Doctor might not be able to save the day! At the end the Doctor suffers real loss in more ways than one.

Overall, this volume is much better than it's predecessor [b:Doctor Who: Fugitive|6792156|Doctor Who Fugitive (Doctor Who Graphic Novels The Tenth Doctor - Tony Lee Series, #1)|Tony Lee|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1348449354s/6792156.jpg|6996370] but to get the full effect you must read both.